Independent vs. Dependent


I hear many people refer to themselves as being independent. Independent can be defined as not relying on another or others for aid or support. But are we totally independent? We are independent to make decisions for ourselves because God gives us free will. But no one is totally independent because as social beings we all depend on one another and most importantly on God. For example, we depend on farmers to grow or raise the food we eat and farmers depend on us to buy the food so that they can make a living.

Everyone has different talents and different roles to play in society that leads us to depend on one another. It’s like the body. Every body part cannot do anything on its own but together as a whole body it works the way its supposed to. This is exactly how the Church is the body of Christ because we are parts of a whole and Christ is the head that guides the body to function properly. 

In my experiences, I have been dependent on my family, friends and home nurses for my physical needs so I can have a somewhat normal life. As my physical abilities have decreased, I have needed more help. I was embarrassed to ask for help especially when it came to bathroom stuff. Most importantly I have depended on God to get me through my difficulties. Depended on others and especially on Christ is not weakness but actually a strength.


Children are totally dependent on their parents for everything. Since we are the children of God, we are completely dependent on God for our lives, for our very existence.  Without Him we have nothing and we are nothing.

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